Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Fitness Adventure #2: Body Combat

Off to go punch people! Although Body Combat is held at your typical gym setting I heard great things and wanted to give it a try. It is a Les Mills class so like Beachbody Live classes so they are choreographed to modern music. I was attending the launch of another session which just means everyone is learning it for the first time too.

Drove to the gym, signed my waiver and get started right away. The class reminded me a lot of typical kickboxing classes. A lot of punching and kicking with some push-ups mixed in. The moves were pretty simple, easy to follow along to,  so we could focus on kicking higher and punching stronger. I consider myself in pretty good shape so I wasn't dying but I know I got a good workout with the number of Fitbit steps I raked up and my Heart Rate (HR) numbers. I also know I will be doing my muscle recovery shake tonight.

As far as adventure goes I wouldn't put it in a top 10 list but just trying new things can be an adventure itself. On a side note the gym that hosted it Best Fitness in Nashua looks amazing and the room was huge which is a giant plus when doing these types of classes. 

My schedule got a little mixed up this week so I am still working on scheduling my next adventure. Stay tuned!

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