Sometimes it is easy to focus on what you want to change for your exercise routine or your eating habits, but what about making efforts to make your soul happy? One of my random days cleaning up our basement an idea hit me. I have a pile of shoeboxes that I save in case I need to send a package or box up items to give away. That pile is getting bigger and bigger. What am I waiting for? Shouldn't I be more proactive in my goals to GIVE and SHARE?
So with it being November and the month of giving thanks I am challenging everyone to the Shoebox challenge. For every pair of new shoes you get, use the box to give something away. It can be a care package to someone that you have been meaning to reach out too or someone you have never meet. It can be a donation to a local school, food pantry or church. It can be anything (except I would try to strive for something more then an empty box : ).
My goal for November is to give away a box once a week. My first box contains baked goods for a local school that is having a bake sale (even when I was in the beginning days of 21 Day Fix and couldn't taste test!). My second is a box of items needed for the play area of my local gym. Not sure were 3 and 4 will go but will follow what my heart and soul guides me to.
Are you up for the Shoebox Challenge? Comment below on your plans!
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