Saturday, November 22, 2014

Choose YOUR Own Fitness Adventure

Book Cover for my Fitness Story? I think Not : )
Remember those books we used to read. You read along and get to choose which way you want to go. In life we do get choices and it is no different in our fitness stories. As I was glancing around at the gym the other day I was reminded that everyone has their own personal fitness stories. Good, bad, ugly, we all have places we have been, things we have tried and lessons we have learned along the way. Here is a quick summary of my fitness story. No big drama but plenty of UPS and DOWNS.

High School
I went to a small school so had the advantage of playing volleyball, basketball and softball. I loved playing sports and it kept me moving but my eating habits were horrible. My mom tried but vegetables  were almost non existent. I remember fast food, lots of carbs and plenty of sugar sweets. I have a habit of using food as a drug during hard times so my transition from High School to College I gained weight.

I started out determined not to gain the freshman 15 and was successful. I had good friends that I worked out with, ran and even tried cheerleading. I ate pretty clean from the cafeteria and tried to avoid the late night pizza binges. By the end of the year I was looking and feeling pretty good. Then came change…I decided to change majors and schools. Although I tried I ended up falling into bad habits and by the time I graduated, got my first job and got married (all in the same month!) I was at my heaviest and I was feeling pretty lousy too.

My first job was pretty stressful so I found myself over eating. I was working out but only causal and when I had the time (which seemed never). Then when I was 26 I changed my job and things changed. I started focusing on another activities instead of food and managed to feel healthy again. Then came pregnancy! I ended up gaining 50 pounds with my first son because I had the mentality that I could eat whatever I wanted. It took me 2 years to lose most of that.

I found more time and more friends to enjoy fitness activities. I did some 1/2 marathons, hiking and even invested in some personal training sessions. I learned things along the way that made a difference in how I felt with both energy and general well-being. Then came pregnancy! I again gained about 40 pounds this time. When my 2nd son was 6 months I was lucky enough to talk time of from working full time and found time to focus on improving some things that needed work in my lifestyle. I had more time to go to the gym during the day and more time to focus on the planning part of clean eating. It took about 2 years again but I have more energy and feel great then I did in my 20s. I learned to follow the things I like and that work for me (planned programs, challenges, food journaling) and to skip the things that don't work (No carb or limitation diets, Wi Fit). Just a few months ago, I made the decision to be a Beachbody Coach because not only am I an example that the products work but it is a great way to help inspire others to work on improving their health.

Who knows??? I am not there yet, but I know that I am in a good place today and I look forward to the choices I will make to finish my fitness adventure.

What is your fitness story? You can't go back and change the past but what would you do different today so you can choose the right path for the future? I am here to hear your story! Reach out to me at if you want help in choosing the next chapter for YOUR new fitness adventure.

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