Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Beat the Winter Blues

Unless you are a winter sport lover, the shorter days and longer nights of New England winter can leave you dragging. It is often easier to stay warm and cozy snuggled in bed but staying inside too long can create a mild depression. Here are few tricks to keep you smiling until the frost melts.

Find something you like to do and stick with it on a consistent schedule.  It could be walking outside or at a local mall, joining a gym or doing at home videos.

Eat a healthy diet
What you eat can certainly affect how you feel. Try to stay away from refined/processed foods. Sugar, rice, and white breads can steal your energy from you, causing you to feel tired and sluggish. Drink plenty of water (8 cups a day) and eat foods like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and whole wheat breads. These foods contain nutrients that will stabilize your blood sugar and increase your levels of energy.

Vitamin D
During the winter seasons you can get the lack of vitamin D blues simply by not exposing yourself to enough sunlight. Experts suggest going outside for 10 minutes in the midday sun. You can also eat foods high in vitamin D. Most dairy, salmon, and eggs, as well as fortified foods such as orange juice and soy milk are all high in vitamin D.

Making sure you are getting at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night will help to avoid waking up exhausted. Synching your waking time with the rising of the sun will give you the most benefits of lining up with your environment. Also make sure that you are relaxing and slowing down once the sun sets.

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